April'20 Message from Vice President Bill Rheaume
Bill Rheaume
Vice President Skål International
We’re in this together
Fellow Skålleagues, it has been a very long 2 months since the world has had to cope with COVID-19.
I live in one of Canada’s most iconic Tourism destinations, Banff, in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Like many other places in the world, our business and economy has shut down. During what normally would be a busy time of year, with tourists enjoying winter/spring activities – in the Canadian Rockies, that still means skiing with record snow conditions this year –, our town has virtually no visitors, there are no shops, hotels or activities open and only a handful of restaurants offering take-out meals.
Day after day, we hear of the terrible progression the dreaded virus is taking but we need to focus on some positives and think about how we can make our businesses better when we re-open.
Some of the positives for me have been:
I am still working from home and offering assistance to my clients to be ready when the recovery occurs;
I got to know my neighbours better and we have time to help each other out;
I see community businesses step forward to help those who have lost their jobs;
Life slowed down, I listened, and I heard the church bells ring everyday in support of the health care heroes and front-line workers;
I support my local restaurants by ordering meals on ‘take-out Wednesday’;
I have discovered how nice on-line shopping can be;
I am learning to appreciate my own cooking again…; and
I am safe and healthy!
Travel restrictions and physical distancing may continue for some time, but let’s find a way to embrace the change and adapt our businesses to be the best they can be under whatever the ‘new world order’ might look like.
Our Skål International community is also about individuals and it is important to think about each other during these unprecedented times and how we will help each other when life becomes more normal again.
I wish you all…